Wine Cork Reindeer Craft

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Last Updated on August 5, 2022 by Tracy

This easy wine cork reindeer craft is a fun way to decorate for the holidays. Grab some leftover wine corks and start crafting!
Wine Cork Reindeer Craft

Easy Wine Cork Reindeer Craft

I have a super cute and easy Christmas Craft for you guys today! I may not be the crafty person around, but I could easily make this Wine Cork Reindeer. And it’s a great way to reuse those wine corks πŸ™‚  I now have a few of these around the house and I think they will make a great addition to gifts!

Here’s what you need:

  • 3 brown pipe cleaners
  • 2 wine corks
  • Small piece of felt or something similar to make a tail
  • Small red pom-pom (if you want to make Rudolph!)
  • Stickers, googly eyes, or just markers for the eyes and heart!

I recommend making the head and body first.

To make the head:

  • Grab one of your wine corks make the eyes (use stickers, googly eyes, or just markers!)
  • Draw on a mouth
  • Finally and glue on the red nose and make your eyes

Easy Wine Cork Reindeer Craft

To make the body:

  • Draw on a heart
  • Glue on a small piece of felt for a tail

Cute Wine Cork Reindeer Craft

Next, make the legs:

  • Grab one of the pipe cleaners and fold it in half
  • Twist it in the middle to make a circle that fits snug on the “body”
  • Fold each side of the remaining pipe cleaner in half and twist it around each other
  • Do this twice so that you have two sets of legs

Simple Wine Cork Reindeer Craft

For the Neck/Head:

  • Fold the pipe cleaner in half and make a circle around one of the wine corks for the body and make another circle for the head.
  • Use the remaining pipe cleaner to make the antlers

Reindeer made with Wine Corks

These are all the pieces that you will have:

How to make a reindeer with wine corks

When assembling your adorable reindeer, first add in the head.

Reindeer made from wine corks

Then slip on his “legs”.  Push the front set of legs back just a bit so that the other “circle” fits.

Easy Wine Cork Reindeer

And there you have it!  Your cute, cost-effective, easy-to-make Wine Cork Reindeer!
Simple Wine Cork Reindeer

I hope you guys have fun making this Wine Cork Reindeer this holiday season!  What is one of your favorite holiday crafts?

Looking for another fun holiday craft?

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