The Best Great American Teach In – Thanks To K’NEX

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Last Updated on September 5, 2019 by

Using K'NEX in the classroom

The Best Great American Teach In  – Thanks To K’NEX

The Great American Teach In was last month at my kids’ school and they really wanted my husband to come in and speak to their classrooms. My husband is in Real Estate Development and he will be the first to tell you that he was incredibly nervous! He conducts meeting all the time, sometimes in front of hundreds of people, but that is nothing compared to 2nd and 4th graders ๐Ÿ˜‰

He was on a mission to make his presentation not only a learning experience for the kids, but also fun. Kids can lose their attention quickly, especially in a classroom setting. My mom has been a teacher and has worked in a school for 20 years, so we called her for her advice and the 1st thing she said was that you can to spark a child’s imagination in order to hold their attention. And sparking a child’s imagination in a world of technology can be hard sometimes. We knew my husband had to do something FUN.

Playing with K'NEX in classroom

He started his presentation with a PowerPoint presentation with pictures of cool buildings and even a blueprint of the Disney Princess Castle! From there he asked the kids to draw a picture of a cool building, then he brought out the K’NEX that we had received for review. The kids were then asked to BUILD something! The presentation was supposed to last between 20 and 40 minutes and he was truly nervous that he wouldn’t have enough to keep them busy for 20 minutes. He actually spent 45 minutes in each class. It was an absolutely amazing experience for both him and the kids. He was really able to SHOW the kids what he did for a living in a way that they really understood and enjoyed it. My kids were so proud of him! So was I ๐Ÿ™‚

K'NEX 70 Model Building Set

Dear Dad, Thank you for coming in this year I had so much fun. I liked when we got to make houses out of knex. Sinserly, Steven

The next day, my son came home with over 15 “Thank you” cards from his classmates. Each card said something different and well….adorable…but one thing was consistent, they all loved being able to build with K’NEX.

K'NEX Building Sets used in Classrooms

I love that kids can still use their imaginations and can have FUN. And not only can they have fun, but they appreciated it. So, spark their imaginations, have your kids use their hands, have them CREATE, have them check out K’NEX.

K'NEX 70 Model Building Set Review

My husband brought the K’NEX 70 Model Building Set (it has 705 pieces) and another set with him to make sure he had enough pieces for all the kids to use. The K’NEX 70 Model Building Set comes with instructions to build 70 different models, but it is also great to let the kids use the pieces as they would like…like my husband did with the kids in the classroom.

You can get the K’NEX 70 Model Building Set at your favorite retailer, or online on Amazon on K’

Make sure to follow K’NEX on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.

While you are at it – you might as well stay up to date with me too ๐Ÿ™‚ Find Food Wine Sunshine on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +.

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. Food Wine Sunshine did receive products from review from the above company. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own.


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