Fitness After 40

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Last Updated on May 7, 2019 by Tracy

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?  You know that eating healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet, and so is fitness! Read on to see how I am handling Fitness After 40.

Fitness After 40

Fitness After 40

Yep, I said it. After 40. I just recently had my birthday and according to my birth certificate I am officially over 40. I will admit, I don’t feel much different and I don’t all of a sudden feel older than I did a few months ago. But I do know that my body is going to start changing, if it hasn’t already. My bone mass will start to change, I will start losing muscle – just because I am over 40…no other reason (no fair!), the need for exercise will actually begin to increase in order to keep my mind and body healthy, I will start to lose elasticity in my skin and places will start to sag that haven’t before, more fine lines and wrinkles will eventually pop up, it will be easier to gain weight, it will be harder to lose weight, my joints will hurt more than they did 20 years ago, and if you are a women too – those fun hormone fluctuations will be coming.

Geeze, doesn’t that all sound like a lot of fun? I mean, wow, I can’t wait! Saggy skin, wrinkles, and hot flashes – woohoo!! But, no matter how much I don’t want any of that to happen, there is no way to stop it completely. One way to make sure I am taking the best care of ME for the many years I still have left to enjoy is by following a fitness routine.

Jazzercise class in Tampa

It’s important to work out different areas of our body’s and be sure we are including both cardio and strength training. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I do exercise, I like to run, bike, and go to Jazzercise. But if you haven’t been following a regular fitness program, and now you have decided it’s time to give it a try, GREAT JOB, this will be one of best decisions of your life!

Weight training after 40

As I mentioned above, after 40 we start to lose muscle mass, and the only way to keep it and/or get some back is by including a solid muscle strengthening component into our workout plan. Loss of muscle can lead to balance problems down the road, and balance problems can lead to much bigger problems…like falling and breaking a hip.

Physical fitness after 40 can help protect us against illness, frailty, heart conditions, and more. In fact, regular midlife exercise might be a powerful way to prevent chronic illness, and even help to keep dementia away. Working out can help stop osteoporosis, and a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found because pre-menopausal women who worked out for as little as two hours a week maintained healthier bones than those who do not exercise. Come on guys, we can handle two hours a week in order to help us maintain healthy bones, can’t we?!

Long distance running after 40

In fact, The American Heart Association states that regular, moderately intense physical activity can lower your risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Just another great reason to add exercise into your daily routine.

When you lead a healthier lifestyle – you just FEEL better. That means you will be sleeping better, dealing with stress better, have a bit more energy, and more than likely – you will just be a happier person.

Exercising after 40

A healthier lifestyle includes:

  • Doing some cardio at least 3 times a week
  • Strength training
  • Stretching before and after workouts. Don’t forget to stretch! Stretching is great for those muscles that we are trying to keep 😉
  • Following a healthy diet and increase your protein intake
  • Drinking water (and then drinking some more water)
  • NOT smoking
  • Limiting your adult beverages

Working out after 40

Don’t rush it! As we get older, adding that muscle and losing fat will take a little longer, that’s completely normal. Don’t give up, with patience and determination we CAN DO THIS!! No matter how old, or young, you are, making commitment to take better care of your body will give you benefits that last a lifetime.

*When starting a new exercise routine, moderation is the key, like when trying anything new. Remember that injuries take longer to heal as we get older as well, so don’t push it. I am NOT a doctor, nor is this post meant to give any medical advice. Always consult a doctor with questions regarding your health and your body.

Disclosure: I did receive one or more of the products pictured above for review, however my opinions and my need to follow healthy lifestyle and be involved with Fitness After 40 are my own!

Where to buy some of the items featured:

You may have noticed that the items above are all made of Bamboo, bamboo is not only amazingly soft, but it keeps you 3 degrees cooler than other fabrics, and naturally resists odor.  Which makes it perfect for working out in!

Being healthy after 40

Make sure to check out Cariloha on Facebook and Twitter to stay social and up to date with deals,  specials, and everything luxuriously bamboo!

Be sure to follow Food Wine Sunshine on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google + and Instagram for more tips, fabulous recipes and more!

Health & Wellness

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12 thoughts on “Fitness After 40

  1. This is great advise. Please stress to watch their diet of bad fats. I have always been moderately active and ate decently. I just found out I have a medium blockage in my heart that can not be cleared with a stent. If I had known the consequences years ago…. I would have eaten much better.

  2. Great, it’s so true, I have accumulated some trouble areas myself. I do think eating wisely and exercise is the best way to get rid of them.

  3. I’m here to tell you, lose it by 40 and keep it off because it’s not going to stay tight in your 50’s even if you do lose it! I also like the work out clothes, I especially like all things made of bamboo.

  4. I will be 44 in July. I can completely relate. I am currently doing the 100 day challenge with my mother.

  5. Thanks for the information…but it comes a little to late for me..I am 65 and suffering the ravages of someone who did not follow the same

  6. I am 46, and I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s Disease. It is hard to do exercise for me. It’s not just the time being hard to find. I also have to have the energy. I do a little bit here and there, but it’s not enough to really say that I do, Less than 10 minutes a day is my average.

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