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Last Updated on August 28, 2019 by Lisa Josephsen
Today is officially the last day of school for my kiddos and it’s the first day of the regularly asked question “What are we going to do today?” The summer is a time to spend with friends and family – relaxing and keeping busy! I know lots of families that schedule a summer vacation…Us included! We live in Florida and make the 1200 mile drive to Lake Leelanau, Michigan for a few weeks of camping and enjoying all the family members that we don’t get to see all year. We enjoy camping for several reasons – it’s a wonderful bonding experience, our whole family does it, AND it’s pretty cost-effective! We do bring all our food and beds with us 🙂 I do know, however, that camping isn’t for everyone and since times can be alittle tough out there right now some people think that family vacations just aren’t an option for them.
I am a firm believer that quality family time is very important to a building your children’s values – these vacations are the memories that will last a lifetime. A child won’t necessarily remember that cool remote control car or baby doll that they got for Christmas, but they will remember that starfish you found on the beach together or that kite you flew together or how about when you took that bike ride as a family and you saw the beautiful landscape that you have never seen before.
SO, I was very happy when I saw this video on Money Saving Tips for Family Vacations. It is packed with great ideas and with summer HERE, I knew you guys would want to see it as well. It’s even brought to you by the wonderful folks over at and Jeanette Pavini – and we all know that is one of our favorite places to save 😉
One of my favorite ideas is to House Swap – how FUN would that be?! Maybe head to a foreign country…Italy would be lovely this time of year…I can dream, right?!
Have Fun!
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